Winton Woods: A Destination Playground

Winton Woods
10245 Winton Rd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45231

This review will focus on the harbor area of Winton Woods.

I would consider this a destination playground. In addition to the play structure – there is a snack bar, a wet play area, boat rentals, walking paths.

Oh Winton Woods – I spent two full summers here answering questions like “why don’t these boats have seat belts?!?” explaining why the surf fishing poles were probably not the best bet to use with wax worms to pull out some bluegill from the lake. But it was a fun job – a job that I remember quite fondly.

Winton Woods is beautiful. The lake itself serves to collect water from all the creeks in the river so that the neighborhoods do not flood during periods of heavy rain. So if you visit after a heavy Spring day of rain – you may be met by a flooded park. Luckily – the boat house floats and most of the other amenities are built high above flood level – so minimal damage and cleanup.

Play Structure

One big kid structure – one toddler structure. No real seperation between the 2. The structures are cute – featuring fish and birds. There are tunnels, slides, musical instruments, bridges, steps and ladders. Educational features are scattered throughout the play area – including “what Animal makes these tracks?”. It’s a nice touch. This playground always features a “telescope viewfinder” Like Cottell Park but it was dirty and difficult to see through. The structures are large enough to keep kids entertained for some time – running back and forth and sliding down the slides. Soft artificial ground to protect those knees!

Wet Playground

There is an ark themed wet playground located next to the dry playground. It is fenced in and completely separate from dry area so you will not need to worry about your young child running between the two.The Wet play area 11am to 7pm throughout the summer. 4 dollars per ticket but an all season option is available. It is staffed well and while you are responsible for your child’s safety – they do have trained staff monitoring as well.

Unique Features

Snack bar! I recommend the icee float. It’s icee with vanilla soft serve and It is delicious. I might have gained 10 pounds the summers I worked there – enjoying these treats on humid Thursday nights when business was slow.


Large umbrella provides shade to one portion of play area. Minimal shade.


Somewhere in the middle. I did lose track of my son twice and I felt that sweat start to form on the back of my neck while I scanned the area somewhat frantically to catch sight of him. He had moved to the toddler structure both times – one time hiding in a stand alone caterpillar tunnel. There are benches available that allow you to keep pretty good eyes on the two “exits” from the area.


I did not see any swings at the Harbor playground.


It has some accessibility. It is ramped but only a small portion.


Playground is not fenced in. It has Barriers in the form of bushes, stone walls to contain. There are two “get-aways” – one leading toward the wet play area (which is fenced in) and one toward the parking lot. It would take some time for a child to reach a hazard. The playground is built well above the lake and fenced which blocks direct access to the lake. Access to the lake requires a hike down some stairs or quite a walk down a path, past the parking lot, to the lake.


There are several benches surrounding the play structure. There is a snack bar facility adjacent to playground. It is large with tables under the cover of the building as well as several tables with umbrellas. These tables are reserved for snack bar patrons during operating hours. Snack Bar menu is attached in pictures.

Potty Training

Flush toilets located nearby in snack bar area. Changing table is in restroom but not in a stall. If you have a stroller (as in you have a baby in a stroller that you need to take in the restroom with you to change your toddler or help them potty) – this bathroom will be annoying to use during busy times as your stroller will be cumbersome in the bathroom and people will need to scoot around it to access the stalls.

This is a fun park. Going here feels like an experience rather than just a way to kill some time at the park before moving on to the next task for the day.

There is an outdoor stage located next to the playground. Concerts take place here during the summer on Saturday nights and they do attract quite a group of people.