Bee Kind Kid’s Clubhouse

5534 Eureka Dr, Ste. A  Liberty Township, OH 45011

Monday through Friday: 9:00am to 4:00pm (Check Facebook for changes to scheduled hours)

Pricing and Details on their Webpage

This place is the new kid on the block in terms of indoor children’s entertainment. To be honest- I am not even sure how I discovered it. It’s not visible from the street at all so a sign didn’t catch my eye and I haven’t seen them advertising in facebook groups. But somehow this place came onto my radar. We paid a visit early on a Thursday morning and as we left, my daughter was already asking to go back. She had a good time- there’s no doubt about that.

But this review is going to be a bit different than other reviews for indoor play places on this blog and the reason for that is because I don’t think this place is trying to be like other play places and it wouldn’t be fair to compare them to some of the larger operations.

This feels like a place that is trying to build community, be a part of a community, and to be a “third place” – somewhere for people to go that’s not work, school or home and be together and hang out.

The interior of this place is beautiful. It is CLEAN. Seriously. It is incredibly well kept.  The coffee area, the play area, the entry way – all impeccably clean. And I’m not even particular weary of germs – and my own home is a cluttered mess – but the cleanliness of this place really stood out to me.

So what do they have?

The toys were all neatly organized and well maintained. I have found that some other places that try to go the route of a “pretend play haven” have a difficult time with keeping up the upkeep of the toys – grocery stores get broken, toy foods get lost. This place has been open a few months and everything appeared to still be in great shape.

There’s a grocery store, a little kitchen area, plenty of babies, a veterinary office, a plethora of blocks, cars and other small toys, a cute little dollhouse, a minitrampoline and a basketball hoop – just to name a few things. My daughter’s favorite part was the grocery store and the babies.

They have a separate little gated area for children under age 2 with a baby ballpit.

You are allowed to bring in your own food. Coffee is provided. There are several nice tables with plenty of chairs directly next to the open play area.

Who Will this Place Appeal To?

For full transparency – for this trip – I only had my younger child with me. She is 5 and very much into a calm style of play. She loves to push baby dolls around, she loves to pretend play kitchen, she loves dolls. I don’t think this place would have been quite up my 7 year old’s alley. He is loud, rambunctious and always on the move.  This place felt very “zen” despite kids playing with all the toys. I’m not saying he wouldn’t have had fun – he would have – but I don’t think it would be his top pick (and that’s ok – not every place is going to appeal to every person).

I envision this place being the perfect location for a playdate for kids who love to play with toys. As much as I love a good playdate, sometimes the clean up before and after a playdate can be quite a bit of trouble and add in a dose of awkwardness if you haven’t met the other parent before – Bee Kind Kid’s Clubhouse is a good solution for that.

Bring your own food, sit and chat at the table and easily keep an eye on your kids. You can correct errant behavior without even leaving the comfort of your seat – this place is cozy like that.

Final Thoughts

Ever since the unfortunate closing of “Learning Thru Play Cafe” as a Covid casualty – this area has been lacking a place like this. I hope to see this place fill that niche. If you follow them on FB – you will see that they are looking to start a “mom’s group meet up”. Again back to what I originally said – this place feels like a good place for community building and in a world where it’s hard to build connections with others – I applaud them  for trying to put it out there to be a place like that.

Personally – I could see a parent book club being a huge hit there. Plenty of space for the parents to discuss the monthly reading – while kids contently play nearby. Bring your own snacks to start – but as the club gets to know eachother – maybe make it a potlock?